Collectibles have greater investment potential than ever before.
A Pokémon TCG complete set sells for a record-breaking USD $300,000.
Funko Pop Vinyls are heating up around the world, with some valued north of USD $500 right up into the thousands.
A graded copy of Super Mario 64 sells for an eye watering $1.5mil US at auction.
Global investment firm Blackstone acquires a grading company – valued at $500 million.
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Collectible Investments: You’ll be surprised at how much they’re worth
If you’ve got a collection of vintage toys, action figures, rare Pokémon cards, pop vinyls or video games sitting at home, you could be sitting on massive investment without even realising it.
We get it. Knowing exactly what your collection is worth is a tough nut to crack.
It’s also super difficult to know:
- which collectibles are worth the investment (video games? Pop vinyls? Star Wars action figures?)
- whether you should invest in one thing over another (action figures over video games?)
- if you’re being sold an item at a ridiculously over-priced amount
- if you’re being low-balled when negotiating with a buyer (or if you’re being scammed)
- if it’s better to hold onto your investment or sell as quickly as possible
- if you can get more for an item in an overseas market, compared to Australia.
You’ll get an email straight to your inbox regularly with useful information like:

- A Pokémon Trading Card Game Shadowless Base Set Charizard has sold for more than $300,000 (it’s true – this set sold on eBay to an unknown bidder in Portland, Oregon for $311,800). The reason it costs so much was because a shadowless Charizard is indicative that it was the first card ever printed.
- The most valuable Funko Pops selling in today’s market is a metallic giant steamboat willie pop for $1,140. We’ve also seen a glow-in-the-dark ‘Dark Knight’ Joker Freddy Funko go for $2,030.
- A Super Mario 64 video game sold for a record-breaking $1.56 million – this happened in July 2021 and is now thought to be the most expensive video game ever sold at an online auction.
What market insights interest you?
Our market insights hub is committed to answering the questions YOU need to know and in as much detail as possible.
If you’re new to investing into TAG collecting, here’s some of the basics you need to know:
Are TAG collectibles a good investment?
We believe collectibles form part of a well thought out investment strategy.
We only provide information and insights to help people make their own informed choice on what investments work well for them. The advice in our Market Insights Hub is only general – and everyone should make up their own minds on what to do!
There are all types of collectibles that carry significant investment potential.
The art of aligning investment potential to your collection is finding what has that worthwhile growth opportunity over the medium and long term.
It’s always important to understand the 3 T’s of collectible investment planning:
- Timing: When to buy collectibles that hold that investment potential
- Trends: What type of collectibles are being influenced by pop culture, popularity and kids are growing up with; or that people want to reminisce about?
- Tailor-made: Go with a collectible investment strategy that is customised to your interests, or areas you are passionate about learning all about
Benefits of investing in collectibles
Some of the best things to collect for profit are antiques from a time come-and-gone. Here’s why:
- You can diversify your portfolio.
Rather than just holding shares and property, consider diversifying your assets by having your nice slice in collectibles that generate a solid return.
- They are liquid investments.
You can typically sell off your collectibles quickly if you need to ( or, if it’s too heartbreaking to let them go, you can cash them in via our capital raising service).
- They’ll generally appreciate in value.
Despite what you may have heard otherwise, the value of certain collectibles will go up as time progress, making them excellent long-term investments if you plan it properly.
- Highly tradable.
A simple login to eBay and you can sell or buy collectibles virtually anywhere around the world.
- It’s enjoyable.
If it’s not about the money, it’s about the intellectual satisfaction of collecting goods of historical value (the money might be just a bonus for you!)
If it’s not about the money, it’s about the intellectual satisfaction of collecting goods of historical value (the money might be just a bonus for you!)
Risks of investing in collectibles
There are some risks of investing in collectibles that the savvy collector should be careful of, including:
- Buying a fake.
You may have found the perfect Pokémon card to complete your collection, only to buy it and (whoops) you realise it’s a counterfeit and worth zilch.
- Finding it difficult to sell.
Listing your collectibles for sale should mostly be a breeze, but some people might not want to pay the price you’re asking for (or be interested in your item at all).
- Maintenance.
Some collectors stress over every detail about their cherished relics. But for others, maintaining your collection into shape can be a bit of a pain.
- Not ‘knowing’ enough.
Most (if not, all) of the pain suffered by collectors stems from going into the market and not knowing enough about the price that people are willing to pay. Some people will tell you that investing in collectibles is very risky. But those risks can be minimised if you’ve done your homework and diversified accordingly.It’s also important to know TAG Collectibles provides very general advice and support on collectible investment planning. Always consult your financial planner for advice that’s tailored to you and your financial situation.
And the first place to start is by signing up to our newsletter that gives you accurate market information so you can avoid those bad deals.
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